Supporting God's continued work at Christ Covenant School.


The Warrior Shoot will held on Friday, October 21st, 2022 at the beautiful Providence Hill Farm. Shooters will enjoy the challenging 14 station clay shooting range plus the duck flush, golf carts around the course, and a catered lunch at the new clubhouse. Registration is now available as an
Individual Shooter, 5 Man Corporate Team, or as a Sponsor.

Can't attend the shoot? No problem! We'd still love for you to sponsor a shoot station!

*While Christ Covenant School and Providence Hill Farm are unable to officially offer a rain date for this event, we always do our best to reschedule to honor our participants and sponsors.

Photography provided by Providence Hill Farm.


Shooter poised to take a shot in the station stall.

Providence Hill Farm is the beautiful site for this year's Spring Warrior Shoot. You won't want to miss this fundraiser!

Individual & Team Options

Learn about registering as an individual shooter or recruiting 4 of your buddies to form a 5 man team.

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Corporate Sponsorship

Wanting to get the most bang for your buck through a corporate sponsorship? Look no further.

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